Most consumers attach great importance to the wine packaging, the wine is a top grade gift, it is especially so. The wine packaging will greatly influence the consumer’s purchasing intention. A good logo is the icing on the cake, especially when you want to reach a certain propaganda purpose. Our main products are wooden wine boxes, leather wine boxes, and paper wine boxes. Let us take the wooden wine boxes for example to simply explore.

1.The selection of the logo’s content

The content of the logo should be refined and elegant, usually it is printed on the front. If you have special needs, you can print it on the wooden wine boxes’ left and right side(unilateral or bilateral)or inner side of the lid,these are relatively conspicuous place. Commonly, it is not printed on the back of the box. The choice of the content according to different purposes.

1.1 For the purpose of publicity

Some wine wholesalers or buyers want to publicize their company, it is suggested to choose the company logo, company name, and company address & telephone as the logo printed on the box; if you want to highlight the wine, we recommend to choose the wine brand, origin, the winery, or grade; if it is imported wine, it also can be marked.

1.2 Business gifts

Business gifts more need high grade packaging, especially when the wine is sent to your leadership or boss, the logo’s content should highlight the wine brand to display the gift grade.

1.3 Souvenirs

The content of the logo can be the mark or commemorative activity of the organizer. And the slogan or wine brand can be added on the box.

1.4 General mark

Some wine dealers own a lot of wine brands and types, they can’t show all the logos on the wine packaging, so a unified general logo is a more appropriate choice for them.